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Article: Get rid of cellulite (once and for all)!

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Get rid of cellulite (once and for all)!

Whether you are small, thin, tall, round… No one escapes it!

Even if Instagrammers with dizzying legs want us to believe that they don't have an ounce of cellulite, all women are susceptible to it!

By the way, did you know that 9 out of 10 women have cellulite ?

Eh yes ! This means that even the most sporty among us can see these little bumps appear. A healthy lifestyle helps... But it's not always enough to avoid them!

And even if these figures can reassure us and make us feel guilty, the fact remains that we all know this horrible feeling when we stand in front of our mirror and observe our skin riddled with cellulite. ..

So, to overcome this complex, you have surely tried a whole bunch of miracle tricks and magic creams? Unfortunately, nothing worked… So you decided that the only option you had left was to hide your legs this summer? It's time for you to test a new approach!

Rest assured, even if cellulite is sometimes difficult to dislodge, there are (really) effective ways to overcome this complex.

In this article, we will present our 5 100% natural tips for declaring war on your number one enemy: orange peel skin !

But by the way, what is cellulite?

Before sharing with you our best tips for permanently getting rid of cellulite, you need to understand how and why these dimples settle on your body.

Cellulite forms when there is a deposit of fat under your skin. This fatty tissue pushes against the connective tissue in your skin, giving it that dimpled appearance.

She settles where she wants: buttocks, thighs, hips, and even the belly. Anything goes!

There are 3 types of cellulite:

  • Adipose cellulite : It is the least visible and the most flexible of the three. It is generally due to an unhealthy lifestyle: little sport, poor diet, etc.
  • Aqueous cellulite : Here, poor venous circulation has led to water retention. Generally, heavy and poorly shaped legs are synonymous with watery cellulite.
  • Fibrous cellulite : This is the most visible of the three (and the most difficult to eliminate). The orange peel skin has hardened and it may even become painful.

    How to (sustainably) get rid of cellulite?

    Now that you know your enemy and his tactics, it's time for you to discover the 5 secret weapons that will allow you to get rid of them, for good!

    Tip n°1: The anti-cellulite massage

    Massages help to relax you, but they will also facilitate lymphatic drainage.

    For an effective massage, you can use the self-palpating-rolling technique. This will help dislodge the fat under the skin.

    No need for a tool, palpate-rolling can be done by hand , pinching the skin with the thumb and other fingers of the hand.

    It is recommended to use this technique on loose skin, after taking a shower.

    If you want to get results quickly, it is necessary to massage 10 minutes a day. Of course, if you don't have time to perform this operation every day, you can set yourself a less strict routine, at the rate of 5 massages per week.

    In any case, it is important to repeat this procedure several times a week to help firm your skin and thus reduce cellulite.

    To increase the effects of anti-cellulite massage tenfold and make it more effective against your number one enemy, it is recommended to use a suitable oil.

    By choosing an oil that targets cellulite , you can accelerate the results of the massage and fully benefit from all its virtues.

    Our OWARI Miracle Oil, specially formulated to fight against sagging skin and cellulite.

    Highly concentrated, it is composed of 5 oils with moisturizing and soothing properties. Result: smooth and deeply nourished skin.


    Tip 2: Dry brushing

    This ancient, little-known (but very formidable) technique is very widely practiced in Asia and in the Nordic countries. It softens the skin, tones it and exfoliates the body in depth.

    But that's not all ! This draining action has a scientifically proven effect on cellulite. Brushing stimulates lymphatic circulation , brings oxygen to the tissues and eliminates dead cells.

    How do you do dry brushing? It is enough to brush the whole body (on non-damp skin and without cosmetic products) using a dry brush, making upward movements.

    Dry brushing must be done by “cure” and just before performing your anti-cellulite oil massage. Thus, it will allow the oil to penetrate the epidermis more quickly.

    We advise you to repeat this operation every day for 5 to 10 minutes, for a maximum of 4 weeks.

    To try dry brushing is to adopt it!

    Tip n°3: The cold shower

    It stimulates blood circulation and therefore reduces water retention.

    We grant you, it's not necessarily a very pleasant moment (especially when it's cold), but the cold shower is a very simple and very effective solution against cellulite !

    How do we do ? Nothing's easier ! End your shower with a jet of cold water on cellulite-prone areas such as the buttocks, thighs, hips and stomach.

    Tip n°4: Have a healthy lifestyle

    It is not by having a fast-food type diet or by consuming chips and soda in front of Netflix, that you will succeed in overcoming these pesky dimples.

    Diet plays an essential role in the internal destruction of cellulite . Remember, orange peel is basically fat. It is therefore essential to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce sweets and other saturated fats.

    To eat properly, it is important to ensure that we add (seasonal) fruits and vegetables to our diet. Moreover, certain vegetables such as asparagus and cucumbers promote drainage. Filling up on vitamins and oxidants is also taking care of your skin!

    Having good daily hydration reduces water retention and eliminates the toxins responsible for orange peel skin. It is advisable to drink at least 1.5 L of water a day, but if you do not like water, you can drink draining drinks such as tea.

    Moreover, one of the best tips for eliminating cellulite in a sustainable way is to regularly consume tea with detoxifying properties.

    At OWARI, we have carefully chosen the ingredients of our cure to help you lose weight naturally, while taking care of your health.

    Our Cure Slim'Tea, your 100% natural slimming ally!

    Also be aware that other factors related to your lifestyle will play a role in the formation of cellulite, such as smoking or prolonged exposure to the sun without protection... Beware!

    🍃 Tip #5: Exercise regularly

    Let us be clear: all these actions will only work if you practice regular physical activity.

    You have been warned.

    In addition to daily walking, it is important to perform exercises that will work your muscles and destroy your fat cells.

    Here are two effective exercises to do at home:

    • Squats: Begin this exercise with your back straight and your feet slightly apart. Keeping the rest of your body relaxed, raise your arms in front of you. Now squat down. Hold this pose for 2 minutes.

    You can do 10 reps to start and gradually increase to 2-3 sets of 10 reps each.

    • Jumping squats : take the starting position for a classic squat. Keeping your hands at your sides, jump up and land in a squat position. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.
    You can do 10 reps initially, then slowly increase it by doing 2 sets of 10 reps each.

    Now you have all the keys in hand to overcome the common enemy of all women: cellulite!

    By integrating these 5 tips into your daily habits, you will see results very quickly. Smooth and toned skin is yours!

    PS: We remind you that it is important to love and accept each other, by showing kindness to ourselves !

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